Has it Never Occured to You
I find bits of a dismembered rabbit Outside the uptight iron fence Promising safety from nature For these people with their frozen swimming pool Living in their tiny boxes People stacked on people Leaving for work Coming home Numbed by blue screens Into fitful sleeps Jolted awake To do it all again Buying into the lie That life is currency to be spent For what? For continued existence? Why don’t we all rise up At the concept that this one life Is only lived at the behest Of those who profit off our years Hiding behind the bars of the iron fence Will not save you from being the rabbit Has it never occurred to you You’re scared of the wrong thing
Snow Day
“I wish I could still believe in God, but I can’t be a Christian anymore because of ______” Fill-in-the-blank with racism, misogyny, homophobia, toxic capitalism, and so on. I’ve had this conversation with different people almost word-for-word over and over. White American Christianity has so defined God that many people cannot separate God from the toxic theology they were taught.
But this isn’t the God I see in the Bible. The Bible shows us a God meeting people where they are and nudging them towards justice and total thriving for all: shalom. The Bible details arcs of justice and societal reform. If we understand how radical those arcs were in the context of the day, we can extend them forward into the future and figure out how to work for justice, total thriving, and societal reformation in our day.
I grew up in that first world view. Come along, and I’ll tell you the story of how I escaped, and I’ll show you a theology that I believe paints a more accurate picture: a faith for the common good where everyone thrives and no one is left out.
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Anna Elisabeth Howard writes highly caffeinated takes on shalom as a lens for everything from her front porch in Hendersonville, TN where she lives with her husband and two sons. She is a community organizer and movement chaplain with a background in youth and family ministry and is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary. An avid hiker and backpacker, many thoughts start somewhere in the middle of the woods, or under a waterfall. She is a regular contributer to Earth & Altar and her latest book is Inward Apocalypse: Uncovering a Faith for the Common Good.
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